I Need Your Help.


I need your help, to help a very dear friend of mine. If I hadn’t met this person, I don’t think The Bullshit Fairy would exist. They have supported me in ways I can’t even describe and held space for me when I was all alone.

This person is Cas, creator of Un-Boxed Brain, and their home was destroyed by a storm on the 17th of February, 2017 in Sydney, NSW (Australia) and Cas and their child have pretty much lost everything. It was a rental so they are effectively homeless.

The amazing and wonderful people here, who have helped me grow this space and collectively pull our middle fingers in the air and say “Fuck off!” and fight fiercely for nothing less than autism acceptance –  there’s something I’d like to ask you:

If my work has ever brought your joy, made you laugh or made your life better in any way, please help me, by helping my friend and their son rebuild their life by donating below.

Thank you xx

❤ The Bullshit Fairy

Link here via YouCaring.com: https://www.youcaring.com/cas-760132

This was their home, Sydney NSW Australia.

“I’m hesitant to do this because I know that there are many people in far worse situations than my family has found ourselves in. But, unfortunately, this is something that I do not think I will be able to resolve by myself.

On Friday, 17 February 2017, a storm hit Sydney causing massive damage. While a number of homes were effected, my apartment building lost half of its roof. My neighbour lost their entire roof and ceiling while my ceiling remained mostly in place, the roofing over my apartment was removed by the wind.
The building was declared uninhabitable by emergency services. We are still waiting to hear whether it is possible to repair it, but given the extent of the damage, it is highly unlikely that we will be able to return there to live.

That means that we have found ourselves pretty effectively homeless. There are a variety of government departments that are going to be involved in assisting us to find a new place to call home, but there are a lot of unknown factors.

This is the only home that my son has ever known as we moved in while he was still very young. He is understandably devastated. I am his sole parent. We are both disabled and he, in particular, needs the routine and certainty that comes with a fixed address.

I did not plan for this scale of emergency, and my emergency funds are small. Most of our furniture will probably need to be replaced. Most of our personal items have been damaged – either by the damage to the ceiling or the subsequent water damage that occurred when the roof was torn off.

I do not know when we will be allowed access to our building again in order to properly evaluate whether anything is salvageable as we were only allowed a brief torchlit visit to collect the bare essentials and make arrangements for our pets’ safety.

At the moment, we have enough clothes to last us a few days, and we have been assured that we will have adequate temporary accommodation although the nature of these arrangements are subject to change. I have sufficient funds to ensure that we will not go hungry while also acknowledging that eating on the move tends to be more expensive.

We need to be able to secure a more permanent residence as soon as possible. If you can, please will you help us?”

~ Cas

Link here via YouCaring.com: https://www.youcaring.com/cas-760132

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